Hi there. I’m Karel (pronounce my name like Karl, not Carol; Carlos works, too, thanks to some of my former coworkers and clients). I am thrilled you decided to stop by, at least I would be if I knew you were here. Please feel free to leave comments to make your presence and thoughts known.

Travel and photography have been my lifelong passions, until the 2020-202? pandemic put a significant damper on my hobby. This blog provides a way for me to share this passion with you outside of the pressures of social media and accessible to all.

In this blog, I share pictures and info about places that I thought were unusual and a little off the beaten path, but still accessible. Many times, unique getaways are hiding in plain sight and you do not have to travel far to experience something different. Just open up a satellite map like Google maps, find something that stands out, and check it out.

Let’s go.